Thanks God! Finally after some very depressing hours that almost blow up this world, the official club has made the statement that the Messiah is still Newcastle United manager for the very long term.
We are all would never know the truth behind all these messy news report but frankly I didn’t want to know, at least for now, because what I want and definetely all the Toon Army globally wanted too is now clear, Keegan stay!
Below is the club official statement:
Kevin Keegan – Official NUFC StatementNEWCASTLE United can confirm that meetings between members of the Board and manager Kevin Keegan were held both yesterday and today.Kevin has raised a number of issues and those have been discussed with him.The Club wants to keep progressing with its long-term strategy and would like to stress that Kevin is extremely important, both now and in the future.Newcastle United values the effort and commitment shown by Kevin since his return to St. James’ Park and wants him to continue to play an instrumental role as manager of the Club.For the avoidance of doubt the Club has not sacked Kevin Keegan as manager.
Kevin Keegan – Official NUFC Statement
NEWCASTLE United can confirm that meetings between members of the Board and manager Kevin Keegan were held both yesterday and today.
Kevin has raised a number of issues and those have been discussed with him.
The Club wants to keep progressing with its long-term strategy and would like to stress that Kevin is extremely important, both now and in the future.
Newcastle United values the effort and commitment shown by Kevin since his return to St. James’ Park and wants him to continue to play an instrumental role as manager of the Club.
For the avoidance of doubt the Club has not sacked Kevin Keegan as manager.
Thanks to all Magpies Zone readers that has giving comments and come to visit this site to follow the news about our beloved manager. We are all save now, Kevin Keegan will stay as our manager forever!
Now, Dennis Wise out? 😀
im not a fan of newcastle. but i love the way u setup this site just for newcastle. Infact, i am the fan of reading all the news on every club of the premier league club.
But King Kev.he is a very good man. i agreed. Dennis wise doesnt even belong to the board or even as a Manager. he is nobody.
Read the press release again. KK has gone, it is a back covering statement. Interesting we haven’t heard from the man himself
For some reason, KK is still silent about this whole thing, but the club statement is clearly stated that For the avoidance of doubt the Club has not sacked Kevin Keegan as manager.
I think KK the statement try to say that the club doesnt have anything to do if he depart. Lets KK will change his mind.
Well the latest news just in is that the club have accepted Kevins resignation… I wonder how much that cost them 🙁 Why ye knaa Man, What a Mess
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